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With a strong family background in construction and interiors, it was but natural for Rhea to develop a creative inclination towards interior designing. After graduating with a remarkable portfolio in the same from Raffles in 2013, she went on to collaborate and found her own interior firm with collegian comrade Dhvani Bhatiya.

For Dhvani, amusingly, interior designing was formerly never on the cards. She was all set to enter the corporate world of accounting, until she worked on refurbishing her own home. Her new found interest and acumen in interiors led her to pursue a degree in interior designing from Raffles, after which she ventured into the world of designing with Rhea Jacob Eapen and Design Attic.

With an infallible eye for detail and a classic yet contemporary touch in every project that they lay their hands on, their work goes to testify that simplicity indeed is the ultimate form of sophistication.

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Design Attic, established in 2014, is developed and directed by Dhvani Bhatiya and Rhea Sanklecha.

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Paper Box House, Paper Box estate, Paper Box road,
Off Mahakali caves road, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400093.


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M : +918828001421

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